Random thoughts..

It’s amazing how one glimpse of someone who’s unbeknownst to you produce seeds of imagination in your mind. When you’re lost in the inexplicable fantasy of whom that person might be and what possible connection you might’ve shared with them in another life. There’s a form of attachment which just pulls you to them, while you’re in this bedazzled state, where in an instant of time your thoughts are spinning, your mind travelling to the far distances, blurred lights and what not.

Some say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, when you search deep into them, you might be able to relate all the suffering and heaven-sent cherished memories one’s recorded into their lives. Expectations which are imparted right through them, which might tell you all you need to know while still remain deadly silent as if nothing could ever seep through.

It’s when you can’t express yourself, where you find yourself helpless or it’s difficult to interpret what one’s desires are, may it be the love of your life, that innocent time-worn dilapidated face of your mother, or those expectant eyes of your old man, it’s then that you look them in the eye, of course you don’t say anything, just look, that’s the beauty of it.

Imagine, walking through a crowd facing thousands of faces, does it ever strike you what you're doing in this life of yours that you've been blessed with..? Random thoughts which pop up in our minds, reminding that we're still alive and not leading a mechanical life... it's these short moments that leave an ever lasting impact on us, defining our lives, the way we are.

Chaos is important for the life to flourish, everything if rendered to be in order, highly functional, one would then lose the meaning of being eminent. Like a flower whose fragrance, so soothing that it lures you, engrooves all your attention to the infinite wildest dreams, stimulates a barrage of mixed emotions, while on the other hand, a flower so mesmerising to witness that it takes a hold on you. It's the tiniest things from which one can extract the hidden recipe, vigour, to live freely.

All of these thoughts contained and suppressed one way or another, some expressions unexpressed, these eccentrics which if not looked after, transforms the personality resulting into a totally different individual.

If nothing, but SPONTANEITY....


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